Friday, January 14, 2011

Leapfrog Text and Learn and Scribble and Write

Leapfrog makes some really great Educational Toys. We own many Leapfrog toys and my son really enjoys them. One of his favorite toys is My pal scout. He sleeps with him every night and loves that he plays calming music and says his name. Here he is napping with scout.

I was very excited when Leapfrog asked me to review 2 of their new toys. I was sent the Text and Learn and the Scribble and Write (both have Shane's favorite Scout character).

Shane really enjoys these toys.

The text and learn is a great toy that teaches letter names and sounds and QWERTY keyboard navigation. My son loves texting with Scout and playing the games. This is a great toy for the car when your on the go. It's easy to slip in my purse and entertaining for when we are out and about and I love that he is learning how to navigate and use a QWERTY keyboard. Something he will definitively need to know in the future.

The Scribble and Write is Shane and my favorite of the 2 toys.

I love it because it teaches him to write his letters and teaches him how to make shapes. It has a stylus to teach him how to hold a writing utensil. The letters light up and he traces on top of the lights to make the letters. He Pushes the paw button and gets praise from scout. It is easily erased and much more at my son's level. Shane already knows his letters and sounds and has for a while but learning how to write them now is just what he needs. He loves this toy and I am happy to have him playing with a toy that is teaching him such valuable skills.

Here is is playing with them on daddy's lap.

The Text and Learn and The Scribble and Write can be purchased at, Amazon and many major retailers.

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