Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hardwood has landed...

Well kind of. Phil and I decided we were sick of the old carpet in the house and we knew there were hardwood floors underneath. So we took a chance and pulled the carpet to reveal a treasure. Beautiful finished hardwood floors. So far we have fully removed the carpet from the baby's room, the hallway and half the dining room. We will be working on the rest of the dining room and the living room in sections.

A picture of the carpet and The hardwood floors

I think when it's all said and done we will have increased the value of the house by at least 10k.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

100 degrees + Mini Pool

Today it was 100 degrees out. I finally gave in and turned on our air conditioning. I also blew up Shane's mini pool and let him play in it. Of course I took pictures of the event. He loved it cold water and all. Here are my favorite shots from today!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

99 balloons

Sometimes when we are least expecting it we are touched by something. This morning I woke up checked my e-mail and my Facebook, an everyday routine. I found this video in a friends post.
Not only was I touched by this, It was so powerful it changed me.

Thank you Eliot's parents for sharing your story!

Monday, June 15, 2009

One Busy Weekend

Today is a quiet day after a fun yet busy weekend. Friday night we drove to Metro Beach for Mary's wedding reception. I took a lot of pictures and met a nice photographer who I hope to shoot with in the future. Check out the photo's I took at my website Click clients and then Parker wedding reception :)

Saturday Phil and I spent the whole day with my MIL and FIL. We love spending time with them so much so that we already reserved next Saturday to do it all over again :) I am truly blessed to have such wonderful inlaws.

Sunday we visited Aunt Mary and had lunch with MeMaw. We did our weekly grocery shopping, laundry and then I made stuffed green Peppers.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fruit salad tree just for me

Yes they make a tree that produces more than one type of fruit at the same time. They call it a fruit salad tree. I think this is fantastic. This is the one I will be having when we move to Arizona.
Its a lemon and lime fruit salad tree and if for some reason I can't have this tree then I will be planting a lemon tree and a lime tree. I would also like an orange tree and a grapefruit tree.

Fresh Lemon Limeade anyone?????

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Junk Sale a Success

We had a Garage Sale With lots of stuff. There was even more along the fence I did not get a picture of. Most of it is my mom's. She spent her Fridays shopping with my dads money.

I made more than I expected. I donated some unsold stuff and I kept some in hopes of doing another day or two Sale in the near future and making some more money.

Next time I will be more prepared, for the wrath of the sun, which left an imprint in many places including my scalp, arms and ankles.

Check it out even the Lebanese in me could not save me. OUCH!