The AudioBooks HQ App is a great app to have on your phone. It comes with over 5,800 free books pre-loaded and you can subscribe for as little as 84 cents per month and can now enjoy additional free audiobooks from online catalogs. For instance, selections from LibriVox Live (6,570+ classic books), Podiobooks Live (630+ contemporary books), and Globe Radio Repertory (4 performance audiobook) bringing the app's total collection to over 7,200 books!
I really like this app because it is laid out very user friendly with lost of extra features. You can browse by genres, tags, books, authors, top rated and recent additions. Your library is laid out so that you can search the audio books you downloaded by author, title or recent. They have really put a lot of work in making this app so user friendly.
I have been enjoying listening to my audio books at home in the evenings and in the car. My 5 year old son even asks me to turn on the children's audiobooks when we are running errands. He really enjoys listening to the stories.
In addition to the update to Audiobooks HQ, Inkstone has also released a new free version of the app - Audiobooks Free. Audiobooks Free comes with over 5,000 books pre-loaded (slightly less than Audiobooks HQ) and offers users access to the same subscription services available on Audiobooks HQ.
You can get the app HERE for only $1.99! Definitely a must have app :)