My husband had the great idea of looking at new TV stands. Our TV stand is old anyways and very outdated. It has broken drawers and it definitely needs to go, so I am very excited to be getting a new one. After looking around online at different stands and much thought, we have decided to look at Corner stands only, as a corner stand would be the best for Space Saving in our family room. There are so many great corner stands it is hard to pick just one. After looking for several hours I have narrowed it down.
Right now I have narrowed it down to these 2 stands

The only problem I am having is I prefer dark wood like cherry but my husband says a TV stand in Oakis a must. I guess oak would match better with our other furniture but I really like the look of dark wood. I have tried to convince my husband to give the dark wood a chance but he won't agree to it so I Guess I'll be starting my search over again and finding an Oak Stand!

Don't forget to check out craigslist! I found an awesome tv stand that holds out 40+" tv, as well as our stereo, speakers, 3 video game systems, and all of our DVDs, AND it matches out living room furniture... all for $50. And it was in great condition. Sometimes there are some great finds out there!