I found this awesome Chore Chart to help me keep tract of Shane's completed and uncompleted chores.
I set up a free account at goalforit.com and chose a Cool Pirate Theme that I knew he would love. I picked the chores and behaviors that I wanted him to complete and the assigned a reward for each one. Now we can log on the computer together and mark when he completes his chores or has good behavior and then it adds the rewards up for me.
I really love this chore chart because it teaches Shane many important things including
Responsibility; A Chore Chart is an ideal way to help your kids feel like they are making a contribution to their family by doing their part around the house.
Understanding right from wrong; Setting behavior goals is an important way to help children strengthen their character and judgment.
Healthy Habits; Teaching good habits involving nutrition and physical activity are the cornerstone of prevent obesity in children and adolescents.
Money Matters; The optional point system teaches children three important lessons for managing money; earning, spending and saving.
I am very glad I found this and I am looking forward to using it to help me keep Shane on track in 2012!
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