So I got a bonus ultrasound and double confirmation of the sex of the baby. The ultrasound tech's at St John's are awesome. The tech that did my scan Monday offered to switch on the 4d imaging and got the most amazing picture of our babies face.
I love this picture :)
Now that I know what I am having I have been busy making the baby a blanket/quilt and things for its first photoshoot as well as baby clothes shopping.
Also this Saturday Shane is turning 4. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He is top of his class (no surprise) and doing well as always. He is very excited to be a big brother.
We are having a small family party this year. Shane is getting a swing set as soon as we move as his big present. we are excited that my husbands brother Robert and his wife Ana extended their visit an extra week in order to be here for his party.
This year his theme will be Cars. He loves the Cars movies and characters.
Congrats Laura, glad things are going well for you this time around.