Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rafflecopter Roundup

Welcome to Rafflecopter Roundup hosted by Makobiscribe and Simply Stacie!

RafflecopterRound Up Giveaway

4 people will Win prizes.

Prize #1 A $25 gift code to Amazon

Prizes #2, #3 and #4 Each will win A copy of of Collegeit Software with a full License code.

CollageIt is an easy-to-use and automatic photo collage maker for Mac OS X & Windows, which makes photo collage automatically.


  1. The link to the photography blog is not working.

  2. Your contest ended prior to 11:59pm EST tonight. Would have loved to have entered.

  3. Your contest ended too early... I was going to enter :( there is still 30 minutes
